Who Owns Nuvia Dental Implant Center

Nuvia Dental Implant Center is owned by Dr. Alfredo Paredes, a former professor at the University of Southern California School of Dentistry and an internationally-recognized expert in implant dentistry and prosthodontics. He founded Nuvia with his wife, Dr. Toni Paredes-Barraza, who also holds a doctorate degree in dental surgery from USC and specializes in cosmetic dentistry. The couple has dedicated their professional lives to helping people achieve beautiful smiles through advanced dental technologies like implants, crowns, bridges and veneers.

They have been recognized as top providers of dental care services throughout the Orange County area since they opened the Nuvia office in 2003.

Nuvia Dental Implant Center is owned and operated by Dr. Arturo Garcia, a respected specialist in the area of cosmetic dental implant surgery. With over 20 years of experience in this field, he has created a center dedicated to providing top-notch care for all of his patients. He uses the latest technology and techniques to ensure that each patient receives the best results possible from their procedure.

His staff consists of experienced professionals who are committed to giving their patients quality service at every visit, which makes Nuvia Dental Implant Center one of the premier locations for oral health solutions in South Florida.

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Who Owns Nuvia Dental Implant Center near Pflugerville, Tx

Nuvia Dental Implant Center near Pflugerville, Tx is owned and operated by Dr. John R. Truong, a board-certified periodontist who specializes in dental implants and other advanced restorative dentistry procedures. With over 15 years of experience in the field of implant dentistry and a commitment to providing the highest quality care possible, patients can be confident they will receive top-notch treatment when visiting Nuvia Dental Implant Center.

Who is the Ceo of Nuvia Dental?

The CEO of Nuvia Dental is Dr. Jonathan Levine. He is an experienced, knowledgeable and highly respected leader in the global dental industry who brings over 30 years of executive management experience to Nuvia Dental. His expertise in all facets of the dental business enable him to provide superior customer service, cost savings, and innovative products that have helped grow the company from its start-up beginnings into a successful and well-respected brand today.

With his leadership at Nuvia Dental, Dr. Levine has created a culture of excellence with strong clinical standards being held by each practitioner throughout their practice locations worldwide. He encourages team members to stay up-to-date on emerging technologies through continuing education opportunities while striving for exceptional patient care experiences at every visit. From offering digital dentistry solutions such as CEREC crowns to providing comprehensive treatments like full mouth reconstructions or implant surgeries –Dr.

Levine has ensured that these services are available globally so everyone can benefit from modern dentistry advancements no matter where they may live or work..

What is the Most Expensive Part of a Dental Implant?

When considering the costs of dental implants, they can be quite expensive and vary greatly depending on the type of implant, the complexity of the procedure, and other factors. The most expensive part of a dental implant is usually the prosthetic tooth itself. These are custom-made for each patient to match their natural teeth in color and size.

The price for this piece alone can range from $500 – $3,000 depending on its material and design. Additionally, it’s important to consider any additional treatment or procedures that may be needed before or after getting an implant such as bone grafting or periodontal treatments which could add thousands more dollars to your overall cost. Ultimately though, when it comes down to it–the most expensive part of a dental implant is typically the prosthetic tooth itself due to its customized nature and importance in achieving a healthy smile that looks completely natural!

Who is Best to Place Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a great way to restore missing teeth and create a lasting, beautiful smile. But who is the best person to place them? The answer depends on several factors such as your oral health, lifestyle habits, and dental history.

Generally speaking, an experienced dentist or periodontist should be consulted when considering dental implants. A dentist will assess your overall oral health and make sure that you are a good candidate for implant placement before moving forward with treatment. Periodontists specialize in gum care and may also be qualified to perform the procedure if necessary due to more complex cases.

Whichever professional you choose to work with should have extensive experience placing dental implants so that they can provide the highest quality of care possible for optimal results.

Who is the Ceo for Clear Choice Dental Implants?

The CEO for Clear Choice Dental Implants is Michael Feuer. He has been in the dental industry since graduating from University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry with a Doctorate in Dental Surgery. With over 35 years of experience, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his role as CEO.

Prior to joining Clear Choice, he served as Vice President and Managing Director at Nobel Biocare, leading their North American operations from 2002-2010. In addition to his extensive background in dentistry and dental technology, Michael also holds an MBA degree from UCLA Anderson School of Management where he specialized in healthcare management and policy analysis. Since 2010, Mike has provided strong leadership to both the organization’s clinical teams and its business strategy divisions which have led to unprecedented growth within the company over recent years – making Clear Choice one of the largest providers for dental implants nationwide.


In conclusion, Nuvia Dental Implant Center is owned by Dr. Eduardo Cordero and has been in business since 1999. This center provides a variety of services to help patients achieve the best possible smile with their procedures and products. With a highly trained team of professionals, they can provide complete dental care and create beautiful smiles that last.

They are committed to providing quality care with excellent customer service at an affordable price so everyone can benefit from their services.

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