Who Owns Prairie Farms

Prairie Farms Dairy is a family-owned and operated business that has been in operation since 1938. The company produces, bottles, and distributes dairy products across the United States and some parts of Canada. Prairie Farms Dairy is owned by the Crabill family who are descendants of two brothers: John L. Crabill Sr., and Kenneth E. Crabill Sr., who established the business in Carlinville, Illinois with their families as partners.

In its early days, the company sold milk door-to-door to local homes before expanding into larger markets such as grocery stores nationwide. Today they provide more than 500 different products from milk to ice cream to cheese, all made with fresh ingredients from local farmers throughout the Midwest region of America.

Prairie Farms is a family-owned and operated business that has been in operation since the 1940s. Their commitment to quality products and customer service has made them one of the most successful dairy producers in the Midwest. Today, Prairie Farms is still owned by their founding families, who take great pride in providing excellent products to their customers every day.

Prairie Farms Dairy- Family Farming

Where is Prairie Farms Located

Prairie Farms is a family-owned and operated dairy company located in Carlinville, Illinois. Established in 1938, Prairie Farms has grown to become one of the largest dairy cooperatives in the United States with more than 700 family farms across eight states – Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Ohio and Kentucky.

What Company Owns Prairie Farms?

Prairie Farms is an American-based dairy processor, owned by a cooperative of over 500 independent farm families in the Midwestern United States. Started in 1928 as a small local dairy, Prairie Farms has grown to become one of the largest and most respected processors of quality dairy products in the country. Their mission is to deliver fresh, wholesome products that meet or exceed customers’ expectations for taste, texture and nutrition.

In addition to producing their own brand of milk, cheese, butter and other items under the Prairie Farms label, they also produce foods for several major food companies including General Mills and Kraft Foods. The company employs more than 5500 people across seven states which include Arkansas Illinois Indiana Iowa Michigan Missouri Ohio Wisconsin With an unwavering commitment to providing high-quality products while supporting sustainable farming practices through strong land stewardship programs, Prairie Farms continues to be family owned and operated after nearly 100 years in business.

What is the Controversy With Prairie Farms?

Prairie Farms is a dairy cooperative based in the United States, but it has been at the center of controversy recently. The company was accused of not properly labeling its products as containing ingredients derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). This led to consumer backlash and calls for more transparency in their labeling practices.

Additionally, Prairie Farms faced public scrutiny over its use of growth hormones in dairy cows which many believe is linked to increased health risks for consumers. Some environmental activists also criticize the company’s production methods and allege that they are contributing to water pollution and climate change. Finally, animal rights groups have long argued against factory farms like those operated by Prairie Farms due to concerns about animal welfare standards.

All of these issues have caused a growing rift between Prairie Farms and various stakeholders who feel that the company needs to be more open about its operations and make sure all products meet safety regulations.

Did Prairie Farms Buy Dean Foods?

No, Prairie Farms did not buy Dean Foods. In November 2019, it was announced that Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) would acquire a large portion of the assets of bankrupt dairy company Dean Foods for $425 million. The acquisition included 44 production plants and other certain assets such as national and regional brands, including DairyPure and TruMoo.

While Prairie Farms is one of the largest cooperatives in the country with more than 350 family farms throughout seven states, it is not affiliated with DFA or the purchase of any part of Dean Foods. Instead, they focus on providing quality products to customers while supporting local communities through their outreach programs and sustainability initiatives.

Who is the Ceo of Prairie Farms Dairy?

The CEO of Prairie Farms Dairy is Ed Mullins. He has been with the company for over 30 years, starting out in the early 1980s as a route salesperson. Since then, he has worked his way up through the ranks and held several positions within Prairie Farms Dairy before becoming its Chief Executive Officer in 2008.

Under Mullins’ leadership, Prairie Farms Dairy has become one of America’s largest dairy cooperatives and produces products that are sold nationwide. The company also works closely with local farmers to ensure they get a fair price for their milk while investing in sustainability initiatives to help protect our planet’s resources. Mullin’s commitment to excellence and dedication to providing customers with quality products have helped make Prairie Farms one of America’s favorite brands when it comes to dairy products.


This blog post has provided an expansive look into the history and background of Prairie Farms, as well as its current ownership. Through this exploration, it is clear that Prairie Farms is a successful and trusted family-owned dairy business with a long tradition of providing quality products to customers. While their ownership structure has changed over the years, they remain committed to maintaining their core values while continuing to provide nutritious, delicious products for generations to come.

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