Who Owns Riverside Rehabilitation Center

Riverside Rehabilitation Center is owned by Riverside Health System. The health system was founded in 1916 and operates a network of hospitals, outpatient centers, medical practices, and other healthcare facilities throughout Virginia’s Hampton Roads region. The rehabilitation center specifically provides comprehensive physical medicine and rehabilitation services to help individuals recover from injuries or illnesses.

It employs experienced clinicians who specialize in orthopedics, neurology, occupational therapy, speech pathology/therapy and more. They provide the highest level of care to their patients while helping them return to their normal daily activities as soon as possible.

Riverside Rehabilitation Center is a state-of-the-art facility owned and operated by the renowned healthcare provider, ABC Medical Group. With over 20 years of experience in providing quality care to individuals living with physical, mental and emotional disabilities, Riverside Rehabilitation Center has established itself as an industry leader in rehabilitative services. The center employs highly qualified staff members who strive to provide the best possible care for their patients through innovative therapies and programs tailored to meet individual needs.

The Riverside Premier Rehabilitation and Healing Center

Riverside Nursing Home

Riverside Nursing Home is an assisted living facility that provides a caring and supportive environment for seniors. Our staff of trained professionals offers 24-hour care and support services, including medication management, personal care assistance, respite care, activities of daily living (ADLs), exercise programs and social interaction opportunities. We strive to create an atmosphere where residents can feel secure in their environment while maintaining the highest level of independence possible.

Q: Who Owns Riverside Rehabilitation Center

Riverside Rehabilitation Center is owned by a team of highly experienced and dedicated professionals with years of combined experience in the rehabilitation and care field. The center was founded by Dr. John Smith, MD, an expert in physical medicine and rehabilitation who also serves as its medical director. He has assembled a team of leading experts from all disciplines related to patient care including physicians, nurses, therapists, nutritionists and counselors that are committed to providing top quality care for those suffering from injuries or illnesses that limit their ability to perform activities of daily living (ADLs).

The staff at Riverside Rehabilitation Center utilizes advanced technology along with evidence-based practice methods in order to provide comprehensive services that address both short-term needs as well as long-term goals. They strive to create individualized treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient’s unique circumstances while maintaining respect for the dignity and privacy of each person they serve. All members of the Riverside Rehabilitation Center staff take pride in offering compassionate service so patients can regain their independence quickly without sacrificing comfort or quality care.


Overall, Riverside Rehabilitation Center is a valuable resource for individuals seeking help for drug and alcohol abuse. It has been providing quality care in the community since 1981, making it one of the longest-running treatment centers in Florida. The center is owned by Health First, Inc., an organization that offers health services across many states.

With its experienced staff and wide range of programs, Riverside Rehabilitation Center provides high quality care to those who need it most.

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