Who Owns the Tunnel to Towers Homes

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation owns the Tunnel to Towers Homes. These homes are designed for catastrophically injured veterans, first responders and their families, who have suffered life-changing injuries while serving our country and communities. The foundation was created in honor of Stephen Siller, a firefighter with the New York City Fire Department who lost his life on September 11th 2001 while saving others.

The mission of the foundation is to honor fallen heroes by providing support programs that enable them or their families to live independently. These homes provide housing solutions for those affected by tragedy and disability due to service in defense of our nation.

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2001 that builds mortgage-free homes for severely injured and disabled first responders. The homes are built with donations from individuals, corporations, foundations and other organizations all over the world. These amazing homes are given to those who have sacrificed so much while serving their country or community, they are truly owned by everyone who has helped make them possible.

Smart Home Program 2018 – Tunnel to Towers Foundation

Tunnels to Towers Ceo Salary

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to honoring the legacy of firefighter Stephen Siller, who ran through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel carrying his gear on September 11, 2001. The foundation’s CEO and Chairman, Frank Siller, does not receive any salary for his work with the charity. Instead, he donates 100% of all proceeds back into charitable programs that benefit our nation’s military heroes and first responders.

What Percentage of Donations Go to Tunnel to Towers?

According to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, 95% of all donations received go directly towards their mission. This includes helping families of first responders who were killed or injured in the line of duty, building smart homes for severely wounded veterans and supporting military heroes with financial assistance when they return home. The remaining 5% goes towards administrative costs such as payroll, accounting services and general overhead expenses so that they can continue running efficiently.

With this percentage set aside for overhead expenses, it allows them to provide more support for those in need while still maintaining a high level of accountability and transparency.

Who Owns Tunnel to Towers?

The Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a non-profit organization that honors the legacy of firefighter Stephen Siller, who lost his life on September 11th while saving others. The foundation was founded in 2001 by Stephen’s brother Frank and sister Cheryl, and has since become one of America’s most respected nonprofit organizations. The primary mission of the foundation is to honor fallen heroes such as first responders, members of the military, and veterans through programs such as their annual 5K run/walk event held every year at Battery Park in New York City.

They also provide financial assistance for injured servicemen and women severely wounded during combat operations or training accidents, mortgage-free homes for Gold Star families or catastrophically disabled service members, support for smart home technology upgrades to increase mobility for individuals with disabilities due to war injuries, college scholarships for children whose parents have been killed in the line of duty (the “Building For America’s Bravest” program), construction projects dedicated to restoring quality housing options in areas affected by natural disasters (like Hurricane Sandy), and much more. To date they have provided over $100 million dollars worth of assistance. It is clear that no matter what cause you are passionate about supporting – whether it be honoring those who serve our nation or helping those affected by tragedy – there is a way you can help make a difference through the Tunnel To Towers Foundation!

What is the Salary of the Ceo of Tunnel to Towers Foundation?

The CEO of Tunnel to Towers Foundation, Frank Siller, earns an annual salary of $140,000. This is a modest figure compared to the salaries of CEOs at many other non-profit organizations. However, it’s important to note that his pay comes with no benefits or bonuses – all donations go directly toward helping first responders and military service members in need.

Additionally, Siller donates 10 percent of his salary back into the foundation each year as he believes strongly in its mission. In addition to this monetary commitment from Siller himself, the organization also relies on generous private donations and support from corporate sponsorships in order to fund their initiatives and programs throughout the United States.

How Many Mortgages Has Tunnel to Towers Paid Off?

Since its inception in 2002, Tunnel to Towers has paid off over 300 mortgages for the families of fallen first responders and service members. The organization has helped to provide financial support for those who have made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country and communities, easing their loved ones’ burden during a difficult time. By paying off mortgages that range from $50–$400,000 each, Tunnel to Towers is ensuring that surviving family members do not have to worry about making payments on homes they can no longer live in or afford.

In addition to mortgage payoffs, Tunnel to Towers also provides assistance with rent payments, utility bills and other necessary expenses related to homeownership. Through their selfless acts of generosity, these heroes are given back some degree of peace knowing that their legacy will continue long after they are gone.


This blog post has highlighted the motivations and successes of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. Through their innovative efforts to provide mortgage-free homes for families, this foundation is making a real difference in people’s lives. It is inspiring to see how much good can come from such a focused effort, and it will hopefully serve as an example for other organizations striving towards similar goals.

The Tunnel to Towers Foundation continues its mission today, demonstrating that with enough dedication anyone can make a positive impact on someone else’s life.

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